THC Blüten in Deutschland kaufen

Legalization – Buy THC flowers legally in Germany

In this legislative period, THC can finally be bought legally in Germany. You can now order flowers containing THC online or buy them in a local store. We give you both options.

Order THC-containing grass

The consumption of THC flowers has become increasingly popular in Germany in recent years. In addition to medical use by so-called patients who are allowed to consume THC because of their pain, many citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany also use THC for recreational pleasure. In the current legislative period , THC grass can finally be consumed without having to fear legal problems. For many, the topic of marijuana, also known as weed, is still new territory in Germany. This is evident from the fact that THC as a pure active ingredient was previously banned in Germany. Exceptions have only been made in medicine or for products with less than 0.3% THC - a value so low that it cannot have any psychoactive effect.

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Fast shipping from Germany

Our flowers are shipped within 24-48 hours after receipt of payment and will therefore reach you safely in the shortest possible time.

Discreet packaging

You don't have to worry about the transport of your order. All ordered products are shipped safely, discreetly and with a neutral sender.

Prescription-free & legal

Our flowers – just like all other products in the shop – are all prescription-free and legal within Germany.

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Frequently asked questions about THC flowers

In recent years, attitudes and laws regarding THC have changed significantly, making it possible to buy weed legally. Controlling and regulating sales play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and purity of weed and minimising potential health risks. At the same time, economic benefits such as the creation of new jobs, tax revenue and curbing the black market can play a significant role in legalisation. Another factor is the change in societal attitudes towards marijuana, with the idea that consumption is less harmful than previously thought leading to a relaxation of laws.

Obtaining marijuana legally is already possible today. If you want to buy marijuana without a prescription and legally, you have two options: you can conveniently order it online without a prescription, for example from CBDÍA, or you can decide to buy it in a store.

It has been clear since the coalition agreement of the traffic light government that THC-containing grass will be legal in this legislative period. However, in order to be able to buy and consume marijuana without worrying about legal problems and not to come into conflict with the law, countries where THC is legal should be visited. For example, trips to the Netherlands, Canada or, since this legislative period, Germany are suitable for this. As a pain patient, you do not have to visit another country to use THC-containing grass for medical purposes without having to fear legal problems. However, this does require a license to consume marijuana for health reasons.

Here are the main advantages of legalization:

  • Legalization as an effective tool against organized crime
  • Licensed distribution can protect consumers
  • Significantly less contaminated marijuana on the market
  • The black market is being severely curbed, so that less tax evasion is being carried out
  • Marijuana addicts would get help more quickly under legal conditions
  • Legalization brings more effective education
  • Today’s form of prohibition ties up resources in law enforcement – ​​legalization creates capacity in the police and the courts
  • The inhibition threshold to consume THC weed is increasing as intensive education is being carried out

Here are the main disadvantages of legalization:

  • The inhibition threshold for drug use is lowered because THC is officially available everywhere due to legalization
  • Marijuana can be a gateway drug to other drugs
  • Use of marijuana is harmful to health for the majority
  • Dependence on grass increases as availability is assured
  • Alcohol and nicotine cause enough problems, another drug could cause even more problems
  • Legalization could trivialize consumption for young people
  • Greater possible proportion of psychoses caused by THC weed
  • The Netherlands as a benchmark: marijuana consumption has increased significantly
  • The drug boom that can be triggered will lead to significantly more people consuming drugs, which can also cause more damage

Legalization – Buy THC flowers legally in Germany

Legalization: Buy flowers with THC online

The legalization of THC flowers was one of the most discussed topics in politics. In order to form a clear opinion, however, one should know the advantages and disadvantages of legalization. We are convinced that there can be positive and negative effects. Which ones predominate is in the eye of the beholder.

Legal THC flowers in Germany

The legalization of THC-containing marijuana has been completed as of April 1, 2024. After many years of debates and discussions, the draft law has now been passed. Many citizens have wanted to buy medical grass in Germany without a prescription for many years. With the legalization of THC flowers in the Netherlands and Canada, there are already two examples of how it could work. To what extent these two examples will be used as a guide can only be speculated. In order to be able to experience the full taste experience of marijuana now, CBD-containing flowers, which also have a low THC content, are recommended.

Overview of legalization updates

Updated 22.03.2024

Cannabis legalization is imminent after the corresponding law passed the Bundesrat. Despite resistance from some federal states, the state chamber approved the traffic light coalition's plan. From April 1, adults will be able to possess and cultivate cannabis under certain conditions. The path to legalization was marked by lengthy debates, with concerns expressed in particular by the CDU/CSU-led states. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach campaigned intensively for the law and emphasized the need to combat the black market and protect the next generation from crime and consumption. Some state premiers, such as Reiner Haseloff and Michael Kretschmer, continued to express concerns and called for certain aspects to be addressed in the mediation committee. The Greens and the FDP, as supporters of legalization, welcomed the step and emphasized the importance of a modern drug policy.

When will legalization finally come?

Updated: 31.01.2024

The expected legalization of THC, which was planned for January 1, 2024, is expected to come into force on April 1 at the earliest, if at all. The discussions and delays surrounding this project continue. The planned vote in the Bundestag has been postponed again.
The legalization agreed in the traffic light coalition agreement was originally supposed to be introduced in the Bundestag in October. The draft by SPD Health Minister Karl Lauterbach was referred to the committees and the reform was planned to come into force in early 2024. However, this timetable has not come to fruition.
Although the individual federal states do not have to agree in the vote in the Bundestag, they could appeal to the mediation committee or raise an objection, which could, however, be overruled by a majority in the Bundestag. The delay could be due to various contentious issues, including the planned prohibition zones for the consumption of marijuana. It is difficult for consumers to recognize when they are in a prohibition zone (source: Prohibition zone for the consumption of THC).

Experts and stakeholders have expressed concerns about control and enforcement tasks, particularly in relation to prohibited zones and cultivation associations. The CSU and CDU reject legalization - but there is also disagreement within the coalition about the scope of a possible reform.
Discussions about THC legalization continue, and it remains unclear if and when the reform will be implemented. Political and legal challenges, as well as the lack of scientific evidence on the effects of legalization, call the realization of this project into question.

Maximum limit for possession of THC

Status: 13.09.2023
A new bill stipulates that the purchase and possession of up to 25 grams of THC flowers from the age of 18 will be permitted without penalty. In Germany, THC can be obtained from 'social clubs', which are subject to certain regulations. In addition, the cultivation of up to three marijuana plants will be permitted. Marijuana will also be removed from the Narcotics Act, where it was previously listed as an illegal substance. The so-called 'social clubs' will be organized like cooperatives, require a permit, and have a maximum of 500 members. It is important to note that the social clubs are to be non-profit organizations and not be allowed to operate for profit. Each member of the social club will be able to receive a maximum of 25 grams per day and 50 grams per month. Young people between the ages of 18 and 21 could receive a maximum of 30 grams per month in the clubs, with a THC content of no more than ten percent. The plants should be grown communally and not commercially, and financed through membership fees. The greenhouses would have to be safe and have privacy screens. The clubs are still not allowed to advertise and are not allowed to operate near schools, children's and youth facilities, children's playgrounds and publicly accessible sports facilities. Young people under the age of 18, it continues, are not allowed to possess or consume THC grass, but will not be prosecuted, but must participate in prevention programs if they are caught with marijuana despite the ban. The trade in marijuana would remain illegal.

According to the MDR, there are also concerns about the protection of children and young people, especially with regard to the possible increased consumption of marijuana among young people. The federal government also plans to regulate the sale of THC-containing grass in shops and is expected to present another draft law to this effect soon. The exact date of the law's entry into force depends on parliamentary discussions, but is expected to be by October 1, 2024. Until then, grass with over 0.3% THC will remain illegal.

Buy THC in specialist shops

Status: 12.04.2023
Three plants for personal use and possession of up to 25 grams of marijuana containing THC: According to the editorial team of Netzwerk Deutschland (RND), Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has presented the revised legal plans for legalization. Part of these plans are so-called social clubs, which are intended to supply members with THC-containing products from their own cultivation. This legalization model is already known from Malta and Spain.
A general free sale of weed containing THC is no longer planned - this was originally planned. European law alone would not allow this, according to consistent media reports in recent months. Insiders report that the licensed social clubs in Germany are the only way to implement legalization without violating international law and at the same time not creating a gray area, as is the case in the Netherlands. In addition, the sale will initially be tested in model regions for five years. Depending on several factors, such as the behavior of the black market in these regions during the test phase, it will then be evaluated whether full legalization can be implemented. It will be interesting to see how this will succeed despite EU law.

Questionable cornerstones of legalization

Status: 13.12.2022
After the first key points of THC legalization had already been formulated, the responsible health minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) changed his mind - and not voluntarily, but out of necessity. The key points of legalization decided at the end of October cannot be implemented at all, it is said. "According to the European legal requirements, only concrete draft regulations can be notified," Lauterbach continued in a response that was available to the Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland (RND). In colloquial terms, this means that the previous key points of THC legalization in Germany must first be approved by the EU before a draft law can be developed. Karl Lauterbach had to endure a lot of criticism for this. "It is simply embarrassing for a German health minister to announce a preliminary review by the European Commission, which was never possible from the start," says Stephan Pilsinger, current CSU politician.

Maximum limit for possession of marijuana

Status: 01.11.2022
The latest key points of legalization have been decided. Possession of up to 30 grams of marijuana will be permitted - starting at the age of 18. There are also plans to legalize the cultivation of up to three hemp plants. This is reported by the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND) citing its own information. Marijuana will no longer be classified as a narcotic under the law. In addition, young people under the age of 18 will no longer be prosecuted if they are caught with marijuana. It will simply be confiscated.
There is also information on the specified THC levels from a possible legalization. In order to prevent "brain damage" from occurring, it is being examined whether there should be an upper limit on THC for young people between the ages of 18 and 21 who consume marijuana. There should be no maximum limit for the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) from the age of 22. The possible prosecution for exceeding a THC level in marijuana is not feasible, it continues. The maximum possession amount of up to 30 grams of marijuana per person should apply to everyone over the age of 18. In addition to flowers containing THC, THC-containing products in the form of capsules, sprays or drops should also be allowed for sale in the future - edibles such as biscuits or sweets containing THC, however, should not. In addition, there should be a THC tax in the future, which can be calculated based on the guideline value of the THC content. The aim, however, should be to get close to the black market price of marijuana. Data analysis is one of the most important cornerstones of marijuana legalization. It could be used to optimize future laws.
The sale of marijuana should only be permitted in licensed specialist shops - unsurprisingly, this also includes pharmacies. If marijuana is also sold in pharmacies, the black market could be curbed, especially in rural areas. However, the locations of all specialist shops must be a minimum distance from schools, children's and youth facilities. Few people would have guessed that marijuana containing THC would one day be legal in Germany. And that despite the fact that marijuana has been legal for medical and scientific purposes in Germany since 2017.

Buy weed with THC in the shop

Weed with THC has become a hype due to legalization. Even before legalization, THC-containing grass was very popular in Germany. Since April 1, 2024 at the latest, more and more people are now daring to try THC weed who previously avoided it due to the legal situation. The search for THC shops in Germany is a concern for many people. While cannabis seeds are particularly in demand, which can be used to grow at home, others can no longer wait to hold THC-containing weed in their hands after legalization. In addition to curiosity, the aspect of compliance with the law plays a major role. For this reason, the search for THC shops nearby is more acute than ever, as obtaining THC on the black market violates the law.

Legal THC products in Germany

In addition to THC products such as THC flowers, also known as THC buds or THC hemp, there are other notable product variations. However, the most popular THC products are definitely available in flower form. THC hash has also increased on the black market in recent years. Many THC enthusiasts can hardly wait until they can finally buy or order THC hash legally. It will be interesting to see which legal THC products will be available in which cities in Germany.

Where can I get marijuana?

Marijuana can be obtained from a variety of legal sources, including:

  1. Buy marijuana online: Marijuana can be purchased in online shops. However, these must be able to prove that the THC limits are complied with. As long as the limits are complied with, it is possible to buy marijuana with a residual THC content in Germany.
  2. Pharmacies: Some pharmacies are licensed to sell THC-containing products, including marijuana. This can be a convenient option, especially if you already purchase other products or medications at the pharmacy. However, you will need a THC patient license to purchase marijuana at the pharmacy.
  3. Social Clubs: Social clubs have been introduced that can provide members with home-grown THC-containing products. These clubs must adhere to certain regulations and can be another way to obtain marijuana.

Where can I get weed legally?

Weed can be purchased in a number of legal places. Firstly, THC-containing products such as weed can be purchased in specialised shops. These shops must ensure that the set limits for THC content are adhered to. Alternatively, some pharmacies offer THC-containing products, including weed.

There are also social clubs that can provide members with home-grown THC-containing products. These clubs must adhere to certain regulations in order to operate legally. Overall, there are several legal ways to buy weed, and the choice often depends on personal preference and circumstances.

After legalization: Where can I buy THC?

As a result of legalization, buying THC has become very popular. While many still rely on their contacts on the black market to buy THC, others grow their own THC at home. From July, THC can also be purchased in social clubs. If you don't want to wait until then, you can also buy THC-containing products in online shops. The THC level is subject to the applicable limits, but this is not an obstacle for many.

Buy THC joints online

Ready-rolled THC joints are a barrier-free way to consume THC quickly without any prior knowledge. No grinder, no filters, no papers and no raw materials are required. For this reason, buying THC joints online is an exciting undertaking. THC joints can consist not only of flowers, but also of hashish or other THC products. The combination of marijuana and hashish is also a popular variant.

Where can THC joints be purchased?

Many providers refrain from selling joints because transparency cannot be guaranteed. The contents of a pre-rolled joint cannot be clearly traced by buyers. Since there are many chemical cannabinoids on the market, consumers fear buying a pre-made THC joint that contains chemical cannabinoids instead of THC as intended.

Smoking weed & bubatz: THC joints in Germany

In Germany, the debate about the legalization of products containing THC has intensified in recent years. With the increasing legalization of marijuana, interest in THC joints, colloquially known as "smoking weed" or "bubatz," has also increased. Many people assume that "buying weed" is a term for purchasing THC flowers in Germany. However, "smoking weed" only refers to the term for consuming marijuana.
Autor Johannes Harms
About the author

Johannes Harms

As one of the pioneers of the German cannabis scene, Johannes Harms has developed over the years into one of the most sought-after cannabis experts in the German-speaking world. Driven by his passion for cannabinoids, he has specialized in the formation of terpenes in the cultivation of photoperiod cannabis plants. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge in the field of sensory and microbiological testing, he has been part of an independent sensory panel for several years.