Wirkung von HHC bei Menschen

Effect of HHC

HHC was discovered in 1940 by Roger Adams, an American chemist. HHC was first synthesized in 1944. It is a cannabinoid that occurs in small amounts in the hemp plant and in pollen. HHC is not 100% synthetically produced, like the spice of the past. HHC is called semi-synthetic because although it occurs in small amounts in the hemp plant, in practice it is obtained through synthetic processes because the amount is simply too small for efficient extraction. Most cannabinoids can be converted into other cannabinoids by changing chemical structures. It is usually extracted from CBD flowers, which are then converted into HHC. According to the latest findings, HHC could produce similar degradation products to THC. Why the effect of HHC is very similar to that of THC, we will examine in more detail in the article.

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HHC in the UK: The effects of hexahydrocannibinol

What’s new about HHC?

The cannabinoid HHC was discussed at a conference of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA). A total of over 140 experts were present at the conference. HHC was compared with synthetic spice. Spice consists of synthetic cannabinoids and is often used to dilute cannabis. This is dissolved using volatile solvents such as acetone or ethanol before it is applied to flowers and evaporates after a short time. HHC is now under special observation by the authorities.

What does HHC mean?

HHC stands for hexahydrocannabinol and is abbreviated to HHC. The hydrogenated derivative of THC becomes HHC, but of course it can also be made from cannabidiol (CBD).

Since HHC has almost the same effect as THC and even seems to be legal in the UK, there are many reasons to want to buy HHC. HHC has a gentler and milder effect than THC. It can stimulate the appetite and can also have positive effects on the stomach.

HHC flowers can be bought cheaply online. There are various CBD shops on the Internet where HHC flowers can be bought online, but the quality is often questionable. We advise against buying HHC flowers because HHC is partly a chemical cannabinoid, which is not the case with our CBD flowers. Furthermore, experience has shown that HHC can have a similar effect to THC.

Is HHC dangerous?

The semi-synthetic cannabinoid HHC is classified as dangerous by many experts because, on the one hand, it is still largely unexplored and, on the other hand, chemical processes have been proven to take place during production. HHC has structural similarities to THC, which is why the effect is also somewhat similar. However, products on the market that contain HHC contain synthetic HHC as an ingredient, as it only occurs naturally in tiny amounts in the hemp plant. Laboratory analyses have shown that heavy metals are not uncommon in HHC flowers. It is also suspected that HHC will soon be illegal. By then, another intoxicating cannabinoid is likely to enter the market. The market is developing so quickly that legislation cannot keep up with the laws.

Legality of HHC in Germany
CBD flowers are sprayed with unexplored chemical compounds to obtain HHC flowers. Exactly which chemical cocktails are used for this is up to the respective laboratory. In the form in which HHC flowers are available on the market, they cannot be natural.

Legality of HHC in the UK

Is HHC legal?

Update on the legal situation: Since July 13, 2022, HHC appears to be legal in Germany as a single substance - although this is not clearly formulated. Insiders assume that this is a criminal liability loophole. Unlike THC, it does not fall under the Narcotics Act or the Addictive Substances Act, as HHC is not listed by name or as a stereochemical variant of the prohibited substances. However, this does not apply to synthetic preparations of HHC. These substances are prohibited because they could fall under the German 'New Psychoactive Substances Act' (NpSG). In addition, the current legal situation for HHC flowers is difficult. HHC flowers are classic CBD flowers with HHC enrichment.

Why are HHC flowers legal?

HHC flowers are legal because they are industrial hemp flowers from EU industrial hemp seeds. In order for the flowers of the industrial hemp plant to be legal, they must have a THC content of less than 0.2%. There must be a commercial or scientific purpose that excludes abuse for narcotic purposes. If the tetrahydrocannabinol content does not exceed 0.2% and the HHC flowers are only sold for commercial or scientific purposes, they are legal.

Will HHC continue to be legal in UK?

Technically, HHC is not THC and is therefore not subject to government control. However, HHC could be classified as illegal in the future, just as Delta 8-THC is currently, so those who purchase HHC products should be cautious. If the legalization of cannabis in Germany goes according to plan, HHC may also be legalized. In addition, anyone flying abroad should find out in advance what the existing laws are in the country they are visiting.

Can I buy HHC flowers in UK?

HHC flowers can be bought legally in UK. How long this will be the case is not known. One can only speculate how long HHC will be legal in UK, as it has psychoactive properties like THC.

Differences between HHC and other cannabinoids

CBD is classified by the WHO as safe and well tolerated. In contrast to CBD, there are no valid claims for HHC, which is why this cannabinoid should be handled with great caution. HHC is not subject to German pharmaceutical law. The purchase of THCP is also not subject to German pharmaceutical law, but is also generally illegal, as abuse for intoxication purposes cannot be ruled out.

What are the differences between HHC and THC?

Although the effects of HHC and THC seem to be very similar, there are four main differences between them. The biggest difference lies in the molecular structure. In contrast to the strong similarities between delta-8 (“legal”) THC and illegal delta-9 THC, HHC is structurally very different at key points within the molecule. In addition, THC is quickly “broken down” by heat and light and often turns into CBN (cannabinol) in nature. On the other hand, HHC is considered a much more stable compound because it is very resistant to such effects. The third major difference is the density of cannabis plants. Hemp varieties can have a relatively low THC content (0.2%), but can also reach levels of over 20% (medical cannabis). In contrast, natural HHC is only available in small quantities and cannot be propagated without synthesis. THC is classified as a narcotic in most countries in the world (including UK) and is prohibited for recreational use. In addition, HHC has not yet been judged. Due to this, many consider it to be “legal”.

Are there differences between HHC and CBG?

CBG comes from the early stages of the hemp plant. Cannabigerol is called the "mother of all cannabinoids" because it is the first cannabinoid produced when a new cannabis plant begins to grow. All other cannabinoids are biosynthesized from it. You can read more about CBG here. Experience has shown that for most users, the effects of CBG and HHC are very similar. It can help calm and relax and also have a positive effect on mood, sleep and even appetite.

Effect of HHC

What effect does HHC have?

HHC (hexahydrocannabinol) can cause a slight high in the body - at least that is what various testers report. HHC has a gentle and mild course, but can still have a psychoactive effect. Every body can react differently to HHC. HHC could also cause dizziness or tiredness.

Does HHC make you high?

The question of whether HHC makes you "high" can be answered with a yes based on current knowledge, because HHC is a mind-altering substance. It is difficult to say exactly how strong this effect is - at the same time it is related to the question of the definition of "high". Therefore, it can be said that the effect of HHC is similar to that of THC, but less strong. Consumers describe this effect as comparable to many THC-containing varieties – here you can find information about the legal situation regarding THC in Germany.

Can you drive a car with HHC?

There is no precise information as to whether you can drive a car after using HHC. However, it is clearly not advisable, as HHC is said to have a similar psychoactive effect to THC - we advise against consuming products containing HHC either way. However, you can drive safely with broad-spectrum CBD oils.

What are the experiences at HHC?

The effects of HHC are very similar to those of THC. The big difference to THC is the duration of the effect. There is a feeling that the effect of HHC lasts longer. According to various reports, HHC has a psychoactive effect, in contrast to our CBD flowers. Nevertheless, HHC can be purchased in many shops in the UK, for example in the form of HHC Gummies.


The content presented by CBDcielo SL is intended solely for neutral information and general education and is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of diseases. It is in no way a substitute for professional advice from a doctor or pharmacist and may not be used as a basis for independent diagnosis and the start, change or termination of treatment of diseases. Our content expressly does not represent any promise of healing. Always consult a doctor if you have any health questions or complaints. We accept no liability for inconvenience or damage resulting from the use of the information or products presented here. Our texts make no claim to completeness, nor can their topicality, accuracy and balance be guaranteed.

Autor Johannes Max Harms
About the author

Johannes Max Harms

As one of the pioneers of the German cannabis scene, Johannes Harms has developed over the years into one of the most sought-after cannabis experts in Europe. Driven by his passion for cannabinoids, he has specialised in the formation of terpenes in the cultivation of photoperiod cannabis plants. Thanks to his in-depth knowledge in the field of sensory and microbiological testing, he has been part of an independent sensory panel for several years.