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Buy cannabis THC seeds online

The foundation of every cannabis flower lies in genetics. The selection of high-quality cannabis seeds is the decisive factor for the high quality of the respective cannabis flower. As one of the leading seed suppliers for THC-containing seeds in the DACH region, we offer award-winning and strictly selected hemp seeds. In addition to our high-end cannabis seeds for grow experts, our range also includes cannabis seeds for beginners. Whether autoflowering seeds, feminized hemp seeds or regular cannabis seeds - we offer a large selection of premium seeds for growing cannabis.

Frequently asked questions about cannabis seeds

Der Kauf von Cannabis Samen ist in Deutschland legal, wenn die Samen aus einem EU-Mitgliedsstaat kommen. Du kannst bei uns also beruhigt Cannabis Samen kaufen, ohne mit dem Gesetzt in Konflikt zu geraten, da wir ein spanisches Unternehmen sind.

Um THC-haltige Blüten anzubauen sollten feminisierte Cannabis Samen gekauft werden, um weibliche Cannabis Pflanzen anzubauen. Nur diese produzieren in der Wachstumsphase Blüten, die einen höheren THC-Gehalt aufweisen können. Weibliche Pflanzen sind deutlich buschiger und mit mehreren Ästen im Vergleich zu männlichen Pflanzen ausgestattet. Wichtiger Hinweis: Im Sprachgebrauch wird zwischen Autoflower Samen und feminisierten Samen unterschieden. Bei beiden Samen-Arten handelt es sich allerdings um feminisierte Samen.

Sowohl bei Autoflower Samen und feminisierten Samen handelt es sich um feminisierte Cannabis Samen. Im Sprachgebrauch wird so nur zwischen zwei verschiedenen Arten von Samen entschieden, obwohl beide weibliche Cannabis-Pflanzen hervorbringen.

Feminisierte Cannabis Samen und Autoflowering Cannabis Samen sind zwei verschiedene Arten von Samen, die jeweils unterschiedliche Eigenschaften und Vorteile bieten – allerdings beide weibliche Cannabis Pflanzen hervorbringen.

Feminisierte Cannabis Samen:
• Geschlechtsspezifiziert: Feminisierte Samen produzieren wie Autoflower Samen, ausschließlich weibliche Pflanzen. Feminisierte Samen sind beliebt bei erfahrenen Züchtern, die eine reiche Ernte an Cannabisblüten anstreben und ein wenig mehr Zeit einplanen.
• Lichtzyklusabhängig: Feminisierte Samen erfordern eine Änderung des Lichtzyklus, um von der vegetativen Phase in die Blütephase zu gelangen. Dies bedeutet, dass sie eine spezifische Lichtdauer benötigen, um zu blühen.
• Steuerbare Wachstumszeit: Da der Übergang zur Blütephase durch den Lichtzyklus gesteuert wird, haben Züchter mit feminisierten Samen die Möglichkeit, den Zeitpunkt des Blühens zu kontrollieren und das Wachstum der Pflanzen zu optimieren.

Autoflowering Cannabis-Samen:
• Automatischer Blühzyklus: Feminisierte Autoflowering-Samen beginnen unabhängig von der Lichtdauer automatisch mit der Blüte. Dies bedeutet, dass sie nicht den traditionellen Lichtzyklus von 12 Stunden Licht und 12 Stunden Dunkelheit benötigen, um zu blühen. Stattdessen beginnen sie ihre Blütephase nach einer bestimmten Anzahl von Wochen nach dem Keimen.
• Unkomplizierte Pflege: Autoflowering-Pflanzen sind oft beliebt bei Anfängern oder Züchtern, die eine einfachere Anbauweise bevorzugen, da sie weniger empfindlich auf Änderungen im Lichtzyklus reagieren und weniger Pflegeaufwand erfordern.
• Schnellere Erntezeit: Aufgrund ihres automatischen Blühzyklus haben Autoflowering-Pflanzen in der Regel eine kürzere Gesamtanbauzeit und können oft schneller geerntet werden als feminisierte Pflanzen.

Um Cannabis anzubauen, benötigt man eine Reihe von Grundmaterialien und -ausrüstungen sowie Kenntnisse über den Anbauprozess. Hier sind die grundlegenden Dinge, die benötigt werden:

1. Samen: Der erste Schritt beim Anbau von Cannabis ist der Erwerb hochwertiger Samen. Dabei sollte man auf die gewünschten Sorten, den Cannabinoidgehalt und die Anbaueigenschaften achten.
2. Anbaufläche: Cannabis kann sowohl drinnen als auch draußen angebaut werden. Je nach den eigenen Vorlieben kann man sich für einen Indoor- oder Outdoor-Anbau entscheiden. Indoor-Anbau erfordert normalerweise einen Raum wie einen Schrank oder ein Zelt, während Outdoor-Anbau einen geeigneten Gartenbereich benötigt – aber auch problemlos auf dem Balkon möglich ist.
3. Grow-Equipment: Für den einfachen Anbau von Cannbis gehören Töpfe oder Pflanzgefäße, Erde oder ein geeignetes Anbausubstrat. Eine Gießkanne ist für die Bewässerung ebenfalls sinnvoll. Mit diesen Materialien können hochwertige Cannabisblüten angebaut werden. Für den Outdoor-Anbau im Freien oder auf dem Balkon können zusätzliche Materialien wie Netze zur Unterstützung der Pflanzen benötigt werden.
4. Wer bereits Expertise im Anbau von Cannabis aufweist, kann sein Equipment mit Dünger, pH-Messer, einem Bewässerungssystem, Lampen, Lüftungssysteme und Temperaturregelungsvorrichtungen erweitern. Die Anwendung der hier genannten Ausstattung ist jedoch eher für den Indoor-Anbau relevant.
5. Zeit und Engagement: Der Anbau von Cannabis erfordert Zeit, Geduld und Engagement. Die Pflanzen müssen regelmäßig bewässert, beschnitten und gepflegt werden, und es ist wichtig, den Anbau fortlaufend zu überwachen, um Probleme frühzeitig zu erkennen und zu lösen.
6. Wissen und Forschung (optional): Es ist wichtig, sich über die verschiedenen Wachstumsphasen von Cannabis, die Bedürfnisse der Pflanzen, potenzielle Probleme wie Schädlingsbefall oder Krankheiten und die richtige Erntezeit zu informieren. Eine fortlaufende Forschung und Lernbereitschaft sind entscheidend für einen erfolgreichen Cannabisanbau.

Cannabis seeds for growing cannabis

In order to grow cannabis successfully, you should choose a high-quality seed variety. This is the only way to create a solid foundation for growing cannabis plants with high yields. Since growing cannabis takes a lot of time, you should choose seeds that meet your own requirements. With the right cannabis seeds that meet your needs, a good commitment of time and a lot of love in caring for the cannabis plant, you can grow cannabis successfully. If you buy the right cannabis seeds and take good care of your plants, you will have a good foundation for growing cannabis successfully .

Seeds for growing THC cannabis

While other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG or CBN have gained popularity in recent years, THC has come back into focus due to legalization in Germany. The legal cultivation of cannabis containing THC is polarizing society and interest is increasing. Accordingly, more and more people from Germany are pursuing the goal of buying cannabis seeds online . Those who have been pursuing this goal for a long time can now make it a reality legally.

How long does it take to grow cannabis from seed to harvest?

The length of time it takes to grow cannabis from seed to harvest depends on several factors, including the specific strain, the growing environment, the cultivation method chosen, and the desired characteristics of the plants. Typically, the entire growing cycle takes about 3 to 5 months, but can vary depending on the following factors:
  1. Strain: Different cannabis strains have different growing times – this applies not only to feminized seeds, but also to autoflower seeds. Indica-dominant strains tend to have shorter flowering times (6-8 weeks), while sativa-dominant strains can have longer flowering periods (8-12 weeks or more).
  2. Growing Method: Outdoor growing can vary depending on climate and time of year and usually takes longer than indoor growing because the plants are exposed to natural light cycles. Indoor growing can use controlled light cycles to speed up growth.
  3. Growing conditions: Soil quality, lighting, air circulation, humidity and temperature can all affect plant growth and development. Optimal conditions can result in faster growth and a shorter growing time.
  4. Training and pruning: Training plants through techniques such as pruning, bending or tying can promote growth and increase yields. However, these techniques require additional time and effort during the growing process.

Overall, the entire cannabis cultivation cycle, including seed germination, the vegetative phase, the flowering phase, and harvest, can take anywhere from 8 to 20 weeks or more. It is important to consider the specific requirements of the selected strain and the optimal growing conditions to achieve the best possible results.

How can you recognize high-quality cannabis seeds?

The appearance of cannabis seeds is not always the decisive quality feature. The respective seed genetics have sometimes been developed, crossed and optimized for decades. Nevertheless, external factors that can be paid attention to do exist. Here are some characteristics that can be used to identify high-quality cannabis seeds:
  1. Color and size: High-quality seeds are often dark brown to black and have a shiny, smooth surface. They should also be of an appropriate size and shape, with larger seeds generally preferred.
  2. Hardness: High-quality seeds are firm and have some hardness to them. If they can be easily squeezed between your fingers, they may not be of the best quality.
  3. Patterns and markings: Some seeds have markings or patterns that can indicate their quality. For example, darker spots or stripes on the seed coat can indicate higher maturity and quality.
  4. Float test: A simple float test can also help check the quality of the seeds. High-quality seeds tend to sink in water, while low-quality or poorly ripened seeds may float on the surface.
  5. Age and storage: Fresh seeds have a higher germination capacity than older seeds. Seeds can be stored for longer, but this does not necessarily increase their germination capacity; in fact, it has the opposite effect.
  6. Germination: If possible, the germination capacity of the seeds should be tested by germinating some seeds and checking the success rate. High-quality seeds usually germinate reliably and quickly.

Will every cannabis seed produce a plant that produces a yield?

No, not every cannabis seed will grow a plant that produces a yield. The germination and quality of seeds vary depending on several factors such as age, storage conditions and genetics. Some seeds may not germinate at all, while others may be weak or vulnerable and not grow into healthy plants. In addition, the successful cultivation of cannabis can depend on many other factors, including environmental conditions such as light, humidity and temperature, the quality of the soil, proper watering and nutrient supply, and proper care and attention throughout the growing cycle.

It's important to buy high-quality marijuana seeds from trusted sources and use best growing practices to increase the likelihood of a successful harvest. That said, there's no absolute guarantee that every seed will produce a high-yielding plant, but with proper preparation and care, you can maximize your chances.

How long do cannabis seeds last?

The shelf life of cannabis seeds can vary, but under optimal conditions they can usually remain viable for several years. The lifespan of seeds depends on several factors, including the type of storage, humidity and temperature.

When stored properly, cannabis seeds can remain viable for about 2 to 5 years . Ideally, they should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place to maintain their germination capacity. Low humidity and stable temperatures will help the seeds to last longer.

However, it is important to note that the germination capacity of seeds may gradually decrease over time , especially after the expiration date. Therefore, it is advisable to use seeds within their use-by date for best results. When purchasing seeds, attention should also be paid to the expiration date. To ensure the highest germination capacity, seeds should be used as soon as possible.

Order hemp seeds in Germany

Ordering hemp seeds in Germany has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people discover an interest in growing hemp at home or for their own consumption. The legalization of hemp seeds for non-commercial use in Germany has meant that more and more people have access to high-quality hemp seeds to grow their own plants. But before you start looking for the perfect hemp seeds, it is important to learn about the different types of hemp seeds. We will cover all the important information needed to successfully complete your hemp cultivation venture below.

For hemp cultivation: Buy seeds online

The foundation of a successful cannabis growing project lies in choosing high-quality cannabis seeds. But with so many strains to choose from, the decision can be overwhelming. However, to get the most out of your growing venture, the first step is crucial: purchasing cannabis seeds. From the different types of cannabis seeds to the factors to consider when choosing, we offer a comprehensive guide to ensure the right seeds can be purchased for individual needs.

What types of hemp seeds are there?

There are different types of cannabis seeds available for growing cannabis. The two most common types are classic feminized cannabis seeds and feminized autoflowering cannabis seeds . Here are the differences.

Feminized cannabis seeds:
  • Feminized cannabis seeds are specifically bred to produce female plants that produce flowers with high cannabinoid content.
  • They eliminate the risk of male pollination, meaning every plant develops flowers and no space is wasted on unnecessary male plants.
  • This type of seed is popular with growers who want a bountiful harvest of high-quality cannabis flowers without the worry of removing male plants.
Autoflowering cannabis seeds:
  • Autoflowering cannabis seeds are another type of cannabis seeds that flower automatically regardless of the light cycle, usually around three weeks after germination.
  • They are ideal for beginners or for growing in regions with short summers as they grow faster and are less prone to problems in the growing process.
  • Autoflowering strains tend to be more compact and can be harvested in a shorter period of time, allowing for a faster and more efficient harvest.

The choice between feminized and autoflowering cannabis seeds depends on personal preferences, experience and the requirements of the cultivation project. Autoflowering cannabis seeds are suitable for beginners, while experts tend to choose feminized cannabis seeds.

How does growing hemp seeds work?

Growing with cannabis seeds can vary depending on the specific needs of the plant and the preferences of the grower, but in general the process involves the following steps:
  1. Preparing the Growing Site: Choose a suitable place to grow cannabis. This can be an indoor grow room, a greenhouse, an outdoor garden, or even a balcony. Make sure the location provides enough light, ventilation, and space for the plants to grow.
  2. Germinate seeds: Start with high-quality hemp seeds. Germinate the seeds by placing them in moist germination paper or directly in germination cups. Keep the environment warm and moist to encourage germination.
  3. Setting up the growing system: Prepare the growing area by filling suitable pots or containers with good soil. Make sure the growing system provides good drainage and the plants have enough space to root.
  4. Growth phase: Once the seeds have germinated, the plants will start to grow. Make sure they receive enough light, water and nutrients. For experts: Monitor the pH of the soil and avoid over- or under-fertilizing.
  5. Flowering phase: After a vegetative growth phase, plants move into the flowering phase, where the flower heads develop. Make sure plants continue to receive the right light cycles to encourage flowering.
  6. Harvesting and drying: When the flowers are ripe, harvest the plants. Remove the leaves and slowly dry the flowers to remove moisture and preserve flavor and potency.
  7. Curing and Storage: After drying, cure the flowers to improve the taste and intensify the aroma. Then store the dried flowers in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness.

It is important to carefully monitor cannabis cultivation and watch for potential problems such as pests or nutrient deficiencies. With proper care and attention, high-quality cannabis flowers can be harvested.

How many cannabis seeds can be grown in a pot?

The number of cannabis seeds you can grow in a pot depends on several factors, such as the size of the pot, the growth stage of the plants, the strain, and your cultivation techniques. In general, it is recommended to grow a certain number of plants per square meter of growing space to ensure that each plant has enough space and resources for healthy growth.

For indoor growing , 1 to 4 plants per square meter is often recommended , depending on the size of the plants and the growing system. If you use larger pots, you can accommodate more plants, but it is important to make sure each plant has enough space for its roots and receives enough light and air.

For outdoor cultivation, the number of plants per pot also depends on the size of the pot and the environmental conditions. As a general rule, it is advisable to place the plants at a sufficient distance from each other to ensure good air circulation and light transmission. It is important to consider the growing conditions and the needs of the plants to ensure that they can develop optimally. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of your chosen grass variety before growing and plan accordingly.

Why grow hemp when you can buy ready-made flowers?

There are several reasons why many people grow hemp instead of buying ready-made flowers:
  1. Control over cultivation: By growing hemp, you have full control over the entire process, from selecting the seeds to harvesting. You can ensure that no harmful chemicals or pesticides are used and that your plants grow in optimal conditions.
  2. Freshness and quality: Homegrown hemp flowers can often be fresher and of higher quality than store-bought flowers that may have been stored for a long time. You can ensure that your plants are treated properly and therefore produce the best quality.
  3. Cost savings: In the long run, growing hemp can be more cost-effective than buying ready-made flower, especially if you're a regular consumer. Although the initial investment in equipment and seeds may be higher, these costs are recouped over time.
  4. Variety of strains: Growing your own cannabis plants gives you the opportunity to choose and experiment with a variety of strains. You can choose strains that best suit your personal preferences and needs.
  5. Self-sufficiency: Growing hemp allows you to be self-sufficient and independent of external sources. You can harvest your own flowers whenever you need them without having to rely on a vendor's supply.
Overall , growing hemp from your own seeds offers the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the plant, have greater control over the quality and purity of the products, and save costs in the long run.

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